Everyone has a story. Not every story needs to end.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Movie Review: Contagion

what would you do if we were all exposed to a deadly virus we know nothing about. call your loved ones, go to vegas, riot the streets? the virus thriller "Contagion" opens in theaters this friday and follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne virus that kills within days and the people effected by the disease.

The film is filled with big name actors like Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law and Marion Cotillard.

The film starts with Beth Emhoff, played by Gwyneth Paltrow, later to be known as patient zero. her story starts on Day 2 and her symptoms have begun. over the next few days we see fatalities from this virus and the worldwide medical community racing to find a cure and where the virus came from.

Kate Winslet plays Dr. Erin Mears, an up all night- must and will figure this out kind of doctor. She delivers the most horrifying line of the film saying "we touch our hands to our face 2-3,000 times a day." when we aren't doing that we are shaking hands, opening doors, pushing buttons on ATM's. She makes it very clear that this virus will spread easily and quickly.

Soderbergh intertwines the characters story lines so we can truly see the big picture of the virus and how it is effecting everyone. Matt Damon who plays Gwyneth's husband and throughout the majority of the film is as cool as a cucumber. keeps calm and doesn't shed a tear for the majority of the film. Jude Law plays an online journalist who digs deep to find the truth behind the virus and questions the ethics behind some of the government leaders and scientists.

Marion Cotillard has little screen time and her characters story is almost forgotten though she holds great responsibility trying to find the origin of the virus.

But its not just the big names in the film that are important. John Hawkes plays a janitor at CDC and his character shows that the little guys are just as important is the big guys. Bryan Cranston plays Fishbunres boss at CDC and Jennifer Ehle steals the show as Dr. Ally Hextall, the scientist racing to find a vaccine. there is a scene with her father who has been infected that shows the realism of the film.

the strengths of the film is the focus on small and terrifying transfers of viruses we seem to overlook in everyday life. in almost ever scene something so simple as eating nuts at a bar or giving the waitress your credit card is highlighted to show just how easy and plausible a virus can spread. Director Steven Soderbergh does a beautiful job follow hands and what our hands touch from city to city, country to country.

"Contagion" is an idea that a fast acting and deadly virus is possible and the chaos that surrounds it is chilling. this is a scary movie. not a "pop out at you" scary but a "this could really happen" scary

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